What is High-Functioning Anxiety?


Do you have high functioning anxiety? Some people just know, others aren’t entirely sure and then there are the people who know deep down inside, but are in denial. Regardless of which category you fall into, it’s important to have the correct information so that you can be honest with yourself and move forward living your best life.

High functioning anxiety is a form of anxiety that often goes unnoticed in many people because they are still able to manage successfully in their work, relationships and daily lives. The symptoms become a part of who they are and are tolerated.

Here is a list (though, not exhaustive) of common symptoms. Be honest with yourself as you read through these symptoms and take note of what you have experienced or are currently experiencing.

Common physical symptoms include:

It’s easy (and common) to tell ourselves that everything is okay and these feelings and internal narratives are just a part of life. But, life does not need to feel this way. If you are ready to take the steps to feel more confident, worthy, energized, relieved and content then I’m here to support you on this journey. 

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